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Vision, mission, values

Vision, mission, values


CETRI’s vision is of a society, in Belgium and beyond, in which the critical and alternative viewpoints of actors and social movements in the South are taken into account in the construction of a fairer, more sustainable world based on solidarity.


CETRI’s mission, as a civil society organization, a non-governmental cooperation player and an active association in lifelong learning, is to provide in-depth expertise and resources on North-South relations, social movements and development, regarding Africa, Latin America and Asia. The aim is to enable associative, educational, institutional and political sectors to integrate the points of view of the South into the development of their policies and actions, and for committed citizens to strengthen their capacities for understanding and mobilization.

Through its activities in education for global citizenship and solidarity (ECMS), training and consultancy, CETRI potentially touches on all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as all of them integrate unequal North-South relations, while aiming more specifically at target 4.7 on “acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to promote global citizenship and sustainable development” in the education system and throughout life.


CETRI’s values are the abolition of all forms of exploitation and discrimination, gender equality and sustainability. As part of its mission, the organization adopts a decolonial approach and promotes it in the field of development cooperation, from a universalist perspective. A democratic, sustainable and mutually supportive development requires social and political changes that enable the grassroots sectors of the South to strengthen their capacity to reshape their environment and achieve their social rights, such as health, food sovereignty, a dignified life and decent work. Internally, these values are embodied in the implementation of integrity, gender equality and environmental policies.