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Titre Economic and Political Weekly
Langue anglais
Pays, continent Inde, Asie
Editeur EPW Research Foundation, Bombay
Périodicité hebdomadaire
Editions électronique et imprimée
Site web http://epw.in/epw/user/fullContent.jsp


#MeToo Is A Crucial Moment to Revisit the History of Indian Feminism

Srila Roy 09/11/18

In the wake of #MeToo, the time is ripe to revisit the history of Indian feminism, in particular the idea of “waves.” Throughout this history, we see how Indian feminism has emerged as an object of internal contestation, with disputes about issues (...)

India : National Register of Citizens and the Supreme Court

Alok Prasanna Kumar 30/07/18

The Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, which has met with fierce resistance in the north-eastern states, especially Assam, is likely to be shelved by the union government and not introduced in this session of Parliament (Bhattacharya 2018). The (...)

Kashmir’s Lonely Struggle


Indians cannot be free if we enslave and brutalise a people for demanding azaadi from India. Silence has greeted 100 days of the cycle of repression and defiance, curfew and bandh and staggering casualties in the Kashmir Valley since 8 July. (...)

India : In the name of women


It is devious and presumptuous of some prominent members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to conclude that when Muslim women speak up against a practice like triple talaq or polygamy, what they are really asking for is a uniform civil code (...)

India : Sexual Violence and Impunity

Freny Manecksha 14/04/16

The state is in a renewed drive to « clean » Chhattisgarh of Naxalites. The large-scale combing operations have meant pillaging and looting of settlements, and mass sexual violence perpetrated on inhabitants of Peddagalur, Kunna and Nendra, among (...)

Will the Neoliberal Economy Change ? Verdict of the Sri Lanka Elections

The Collective for Economic Democratisation 14/01/15

While the election victory for President Maithripala Sirisena was due to a unique political moment that united minorities and many in the Sinhala electorate to vote out an authoritarian regime, expectations of major change in economic policy (...)

India : Why This Attack on MGNREGA ?


One knows who will suffer if the Narendra Modi government succeeds in weakening MGNREGA. The largest public employment programme the world has ever seen is in trouble. In 2013-14, 74 million individuals in 48 million households in rural India (...)

Anger, Aspiration, Apprehension


Narendra Modi has won a massive victory but his ascendance does not portend positive change. In the months leading up to Elections 2014, the media, in its anxiety to project Narendra Modi as the next prime minister, frequently described the (...)

India : Reviving Land Reforms ?

Harsh Mander 29/08/13

The government has notified a Draft Land Reforms Policy which, on paper, has all the requisites of an earnest programme. Yet, the near total failure of earlier efforts at land reforms in India leave little room for hope that something (...)

India : Right to Food and Foodgrain Policy

Kirit S Parikh 12/03/13

Identification of the poor and the scale of operation are the most critical challenges of the proposed legislation on the right to food. This article suggests universal entitlement that excludes clearly identifiable rich. Food coupons could (...)

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